QAI-NSDC Assessments for International Opportunities

Research-based, AI-enabled, Adaptive assessment mapped to global standards

  • English Diagnostics

    GETS Placement is an internet based quick diagnostic of English language test. The test uses a proprietary AI-model to deliver personalised and adaptive text experience with instant results mapped to the CEFR (the world standards)

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  • English for School

    GETS for School is a world’s first English language certificate that focusses on CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) in addition to general English and speaking module. The scores mapped to the CEFR (the world standards). It is offered as a Paper-based test and is also Computer-delivered and suitable for students ages 7 years and above.

    7-8 years 9-10 years

    11-12 years 13-14 years

    15-18 years
  • English for Adults

    GETS Higher link to GETS Higher page on GETS World website is a world’s leading English language assessment that covers Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking. It is offered as a Paper-based test and is also Computer-delivered. Ecctis (formerly UK NARIC) independently reviewed the assessment and has found the scores comparable to the CEFR (the world standards).

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  • English for Nurses

    GETS Nursing is a specific purpose English language assessment focusing on nurses and para-medical professionals. It covers Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking and is offered as a Paper-based test and is also Computer-delivered. The scores are mapped to CEFR (the world standards).

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  • ZQ – the Future Readiness Quotient

    Zamit Quotient (ZQ) is the world’s first research-based measurement and analysis tool of future ready skills of school students. ZQ measures over 60 skills, clubbed into Nine-dimensions with scores mapped to CIFR(the world standards for future readiness). ZQ, the result of deep research conducted by international experts of the CIFR organisation is the most modern and up-to-date benchmarking system of skills for success.

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  • TERM – Analysing Teaching Excellence

    Teaching Excellence and Relevance Management (TERM) is the world’s first research-based measurement and analysis tool of teaching skills. TERM measures over 70 skills, clubbed into Nine-dimensions with scores mapped to CIFR (the world standards for future readiness). TERM is the result of deep research conducted by international experts of the CIFR organisation.

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  • International Employability Skills Test


    • Domain Specific Employability Skills Test
    • AI-driven questions that adapts to the test-takers performance
    • Instant results mapped to Common International Framework of Reference (CIFR) for Future Readiness.
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